Dodge Nitro 4.0 R/T is a sport-utility vehicle (SUV) with rear wheel drive (RWD), 5 doors and 5 seats. This model is launched in 2007. The automobile's measurements are as follows: width - 1856.00 mm, height - 1772.00 mm, length - 4585.00 mm. In addition, the lengths of the front and rear track of this model are 1549.00 mm and 1549.00 mm respectively and its wheelbase is 2764.00 mm. The curb weight of the automobile is 1874 kg. Dodge Nitro 4.0 R/T has a naturally-aspirated engine with engine displacement of 3952 cc, single overhead camshaft (SOHC) and 6 cylinders with 4 valves per cylinder. It has a longitudinal alignment and is set in the front of the vehicle. The cylinders are V-arranged. The diameter of the cylinders is 96.00 mm and the length of the piston stroke is 91.00 mm. The compression ratio of the pistons is 10.30:1. The maximum torque produced by the engine is 359 Nm at 4000 rpm and its maximum torque is 191 kW / 260 ps at 6000 rpm. The model's fuel system is multi-point fuel injection (MPFI). The engine's oiling system is wet sump. The vehicle accelerates for 8.50 s from 0 to 100 km/h. The Dodge Nitro 4.0 R/T has an automatic 5-speed transmission. The top gear ratio is 0.83:1. Its final drive ratio is 2.95:1. The extra urban fuel consumption of this automobile is 8.81 l/100 km, the combined fuel consumption is 11.30 l/100 km and the urban is 15.46 l/100 km . 73.80 l is the capacity of the fuel tank. The rating of CO2 emissions is 269 g/km. The vehicle's steering system is power assisted rack and pinion type. The number of lock-to-lock wheel turns is 3.42. The front suspension includes anti-roll bar, coil springs, independent, upper and lower wishbones and the rear suspension - anti-roll bar, coil springs, live axle, trailing arm. The front wheels size is 7.5 x 20. The size of the rear wheels is 7.5 x 20. The size/type of tyres in the front is P245/50 R 20. The tyres in the rear are P245/50 R 20. The front brake system includes ventilated disks. The rear brake system includes disks, servo assistance, anti-lock braking system (ABS).
Dodge Nitro 4.0 R/T (2007) - combined fuel consumption - other models
Combined fuel consumption of Dodge Nitro 4.0 R/T (2007). Data about other models by Dodge with similar values of combined fuel consumption. The values quoted in the chart indicate how many liters of fuel (diesel, gasoline, etc.) a specific model by Dodge consumes when covering 100 kilometers in urban and extra urban areas.
Dodge Caliber 2.0 CRD (2006)
6.12 l
Dodge Avenger 2.0 CRD (2007)
6.23 l
Dodge Journey (2008)
6.46 l
Dodge Journey Automatic (2008)
7.02 l
Dodge Caliber 1.8 S (2006)
7.25 l
Dodge Avenger 2.0 (2007)
7.80 l
Dodge Caliber 2.0 SXT (2006)
8.14 l
Dodge Journey 2.4 SE (2008)
8.81 l
Dodge Avenger 2.4 (2007)
8.92 l
Dodge Journey 2.4 SE Automatic (2008)
9.60 l
Dodge Avenger 2.7 V6 (2007)
9.71 l
Dodge Journey 2.7 V6 SXT (2008)
10.29 l
Dodge Nitro 4.0 R/T (2007)
11.30 l
Dodge Nitro 3.7 (2007)
12.09 l
Dodge Nitro 4.0 R/T (2007) - combined fuel consumption - other brands' models
Combined fuel consumption of Dodge Nitro 4.0 R/T (2007) and information about models by other automobile brands with values for combined fuel consumption equal or similar to those of Dodge Nitro 4.0 R/T (2007). The values quoted in the chart indicate how many liters of fuel (diesel, gasoline, etc.) a specific automobile consumes when covering 100 kilometers in urban and extra urban areas.
Porsche 944 Automatic (1982)
11.19 l
Lancia Beta HPE 2000ie (1982)
11.19 l
Mercedes-Benz 200 W 124 (1985)
11.19 l
Audi Coupe GT (1987)
11.19 l
Audi Coupe GT Automatic (1987)
11.19 l
Lancia Delta HF Integrale 16v (1989)
11.19 l
Volvo S70 R Automatic (1997)
11.19 l
Volvo S70 T5 (1997)
11.19 l
Opel Kadett 1.8 GSi Kadett E (1984)
11.30 l
Lancia Prisma Integrale (1989)
11.30 l
Audi 80 2.0 E Typ 89/B4 (1991)
11.30 l
Renault Clio Williams (1993)
11.30 l
Mitsubishi Galant 2000 V6 (1993)
11.30 l
Audi Coupe 2.0 (1995)
11.30 l
Audi Coupe 2.0 Automatic (1995)
11.30 l
Mercedes-Benz E 200 Estate S 210 (1996)
11.30 l
Mercedes-Benz E 430 W 210 (1996)
11.30 l
Audi S4 (1997)
11.30 l
Audi S4 Avant (1997)
11.30 l
BMW 728i Automatic E38 (2000)
11.30 l
Mercedes-Benz SL 280 Automatic R 129 (1998)
11.30 l
Audi A6 3.0 quattro C5 (2001)
11.30 l
Audi A6 3.0 quattro Tiptronic C5 (2001)
11.30 l
Renault Avantime (2001)
11.30 l
Volvo S80 T6 (2001)
11.30 l
Jaguar XK8 Coupe X100 (2002)
11.30 l
Porsche 911 Anniversary 996 (2003)
11.30 l
BMW 545i Touring E61 (2004)
11.30 l
Mercedes-Benz CLS 500 C 219 (2004)
11.30 l
BMW 550i Touring Automatic E61 (2005)
11.30 l
Mercedes-Benz S 450 LWB V 221 (2005)
11.30 l
Porsche 911 Targa 4 997 (2006)
11.30 l
Dodge Nitro 4.0 R/T (2007)
11.30 l
Volvo V70 T6 AWD Geartronic (2007)
11.30 l
Audi Q7 V12 TDI quattro (2008)
11.30 l
Porsche Panamera 970 (2010)
11.30 l
BMW 650i xDrive Coupe F13 (2011)
11.30 l
Mercedes-Benz E 320 4MATIC Estate S 210 (1996)
11.30 l
Mercedes-Benz GL 500 4MATIC BlueEFFICIENCY X 166 (2012)
11.30 l
BMW 325e E30 (1982)
11.41 l
Porsche 944 (1982)
11.41 l
Audi Coupe 2.0 GT (1985)
11.41 l
Mercedes-Benz 230 CE C 124 (1987)
11.41 l
Mercedes-Benz 230 CE Automatic C 124 (1987)
11.41 l
Mercedes-Benz 200 CE C 124 (1990)
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