Peugeot 405 T 16 is a 5-seat sedan/saloon with all wheel drive (AWD) and 4 doors. This model has been presented in 1993. The automobile's measurements are as follows: length - 4406.00 mm, width - 1714.00 mm, height - 1390.00 mm. Moreover, this model's wheelbase is 2670.00 mm, its rear and front track are 1458.00 mm and 1462.00 mm respectively. 1341 kg is the curb weight of this automobile. Peugeot 405 T 16 has a turbocharged, 1998 cc engine with 4 cylinders with 4 valves per cylinder and double overhead camshaft (DOHC). It is located in the front of the vehicle and has a transverse alignment. The cylinders inside are inline-arranged. The diameter of the cylinders is 86.00 mm and the length of the piston stroke is 86.00 mm. The pistons compression ratio is 8.00:1. The maximum power and maximum torque delivered by the engine are 147 kW / 200 ps at 5000 rpm and 293 Nm at 2600 rpm respectively. The fuel system of this model is injection. The oiling system of the engine is wet sump. The vehicle accelerates for 7.40 s from 0 to 100 km/h. For 27.80 s the automobile can make one kilometer and for 14.90 s - a quarter mile. This model has a 0.33 drag coefficient, its drag area is 0.6666 m2 and the frontal area is 2.0200 m2. The Peugeot 405 T 16 has a manual 5-speed transmission. 0.77:1 is the top gear ratio. 2.87:1 is its final drive ratio. The extra urban fuel consumption of this automobile is 9.04 l/100 km, the urban fuel consumption is 7.25 l/100 km and the combined is 11.75 l/100 km . The fuel tank's capacity is 70.00 l. The steering assembly of the vehicle is power assisted rack and pinion type. The number of complete rotations made by the steering wheel from one extreme position to another is 3.05. The rear suspension includes anti-roll bar, independent, trailing arm, torsion bar and the front suspension - anti-roll bar, independent, MacPherson strut. This automobile's turning circle is 11.40 m. The front wheels size is 6.5J x 16. The rear wheels size is 6.5J x 16. The type/size of tyres in the front is 205/50 ZR 16. The type/size of tyres in the rear is 205/50 ZR 16. The front brakes are set up with ventilated disks. The rear brakes are set up with disks, servo assistance, anti-lock braking system (ABS). The diameter of the front brakes is 283.00 mm and the diameter of the rear brakes is 250.00 mm.
Peugeot 405 T 16 (1993) - maximum speed - other models
Data about the maximum speed of Peugeot 405 T 16 (1993). Data about other models by Peugeot with equal or similar maximum speed.
Peugeot 607 2.2 16V Automatic (2000)
212 km/h
Peugeot 308 1.6 THP (2007)
212 km/h
Peugeot 407 2.0 (2003)
213 km/h
Peugeot RCZ 156 THP Automatic (2009)
213 km/h
Peugeot 308 1.6 THP Automatic (2010)
213 km/h
Peugeot 405 MI-16 4x4 (1989)
215 km/h
Peugeot 407 SW 2.2 (2003)
215 km/h
Peugeot RCZ HDi 163 (2009)
215 km/h
Peugeot 309 GTi 1.9 16v (1992)
216 km/h
Peugeot 405 Mi-16 (1993)
216 km/h
Peugeot 308 CC 1.6 VTI (2008)
216 km/h
Peugeot 308 SW 1.6 THP (2008)
216 km/h
Peugeot RCZ 156 THP (2009)
216 km/h
Peugeot 208 1.6 THP A9 (2012)
216 km/h
Peugeot 508 SW THP 156 Automatic (2010)
217 km/h
Peugeot 508 THP 156 Automatic (2010)
217 km/h
Peugeot 508 SW THP 156 (2010)
219 km/h
Peugeot 508 THP 156 (2010)
219 km/h
Peugeot 405 MI-16 (1987)
220 km/h
Peugeot 607 2.2 16V (2000)
220 km/h
Peugeot 206 RC (2003)
220 km/h
Peugeot 407 2.2 (2003)
220 km/h
Peugeot 207 RC (2007)
220 km/h
Peugeot 207 SW RC (2010)
220 km/h
Peugeot 407 Coupe 2.2 (2005)
221 km/h
Peugeot 407 SW 2.2 HDi (2007)
222 km/h
Peugeot 508 2.0 HDI FAP 163 (2010)
223 km/h
Peugeot 508 SW 2.0 HDI FAP 163 (2010)
223 km/h
Peugeot 605 SV (1989)
224 km/h
Peugeot 405 T 16 (1993)
224 km/h
Peugeot 307cc 2.0 180 (2003)
224 km/h
Peugeot 407 SW 2.7 V6 HDi (2007)
224 km/h
Peugeot 407 2.2 HDi (2008)
224 km/h
Peugeot 607 2.2 HDi (2006)
225 km/h
Peugeot 406 Coupe (1997)
227 km/h
Peugeot 407 SW 3.0 (2003)
229 km/h
Peugeot 407 SW 3.0 V6 (2008)
229 km/h
Peugeot RCZ 200 THP (2009)
230 km/h
Peugeot RC Diamonds (2002)
231 km/h
Peugeot RC Spades (2002)
231 km/h
Peugeot 607 V6 HDi (2004)
231 km/h
Peugeot 407 Coupe 2.7 (2005)
231 km/h
Peugeot 407 2.7 V6 HDi (2007)
231 km/h
Peugeot 406 SV 3.0 (1999)
232 km/h
Peugeot 607 3.0 V6 Automatic (2000)
232 km/h
Peugeot 508 2.2 HDI FAP 204 (2010)
232 km/h
Peugeot 508 SW 2.2 HDI FAP 204 (2010)
232 km/h
Peugeot 605 SV 24v (1989)
235 km/h
Peugeot 407 3.0 (2003)
235 km/h
Peugeot 407 Coupe V6 Automatic (2005)
235 km/h
Peugeot 308 RC Z (2007)
235 km/h
Peugeot 407 3.0 V6 (2008)
235 km/h
Peugeot 607 3.0 V6 24v (2008)
235 km/h
Peugeot 308 1.6 GTi (2010)
236 km/h
Peugeot 607 3.0 V6 (2000)
239 km/h
Peugeot 407 Coupe V6 (2005)
242 km/h
Peugeot 407 Coupe V6 3.0 HDi (2009)
246 km/h
Peugeot 908 RC (2006)
299 km/h
Peugeot 405 T 16 (1993) - maximum speed - other brands' models
Data about the maximum speed of Peugeot 405 T 16 (1993). Data about models by other automobile brands with equal or similar maximum speed
Oldsmobile Delta 88 Royale (1970)
224 km/h
Jensen Interceptor FF Mk II (1970)
224 km/h
Ford GT70 (1971)
224 km/h
Daimler Double Six (1972)
224 km/h
Jensen Interceptor Mk III S4 (1972)
224 km/h
Maserati Merak (1972)
224 km/h
Jaguar Sovereign V12 (1972)
224 km/h
Jaguar XJ-12 S1 (1972)
224 km/h
Aston Martin Lagonda Automatic (1974)
224 km/h
Mercedes-Benz 450 SEL 6.9 V 116 (1975)
224 km/h
Bristol 412 (1976)
224 km/h
Bristol 603 (1976)
224 km/h
Bristol 412 S2 (1977)
224 km/h
Mercedes-Benz 450 SLC 5.0 C 107 (1977)
224 km/h
BMW 635 CSi E24 (1978)
224 km/h
Porsche 911 SC (1978)
224 km/h
Porsche 924 Turbo 931 (1978)
224 km/h
Ferrari 400i (1979)
224 km/h
Mercedes-Benz 500 SE W 126 (1979)
224 km/h
Mercedes-Benz 500 SL R 107 (1980)
224 km/h
Mercedes-Benz 500 SLC C 107 (1980)
224 km/h
Bristol Britannia (1980)
224 km/h
Mercedes-Benz 500 SEL V 126 (1981)
224 km/h
Ford Capri Tickford Turbo (1983)
224 km/h
Mercedes-Benz 500 SEC C 126 (1984)
224 km/h
Maserati Biturbo 2.0S (1984)
224 km/h
Mercedes-Benz 190 E 2.3-16 Automatic W 201 (1985)
224 km/h
Lancia Delta S4 (1985)
224 km/h
BMW 730i E32 (1986)
224 km/h
AC Ace (1986)
224 km/h
Mercedes-Benz 300 CE C 124 (1987)
224 km/h
Nissan 200SX (1988)
224 km/h
Volkswagen Corrado G60 (1988)
224 km/h
Ford Taurus SHO (1988)
224 km/h
Lancia Thema ie 16v Turbo (1988)
224 km/h
Ford Thunderbird SC (1988)
224 km/h
Bitter Type III (1988)
224 km/h
Audi 100 2.3E quattro (1989)
224 km/h
Audi 90 quattro 20v (1989)
224 km/h
Maserati 222 (1990)
224 km/h
Mitsubishi Sigma 24v Automatic (1990)
224 km/h
Mercedes-Benz 300 SE Automatic W 140 (1991)
224 km/h
Mercedes-Benz 300 SEL Automatic V 140 (1991)
224 km/h
BMW 325iS E30 (1991)
224 km/h
Ford Granada Scorpio Cosworth (1991)
224 km/h
Dodge Spirit R/T Turbo (1991)
224 km/h
Alfa Romeo 155 Q4 (1992)
224 km/h
Maserati 4.24v (1992)
224 km/h
BMW 530i Touring Automatic E34 (1992)
224 km/h
Toyota Camry 3.0 V6 24v GXi Estate (1992)
224 km/h
Mitsubishi Eclipse Turbo GSX (1992)
224 km/h
Honda Prelude 2.2i VTEC (1992)
224 km/h
Maserati Spider 2.0 (1992)
224 km/h
Volkswagen Vento 2.8 VR6 (1992)
224 km/h
Peugeot 405 T 16 (1993)
224 km/h
Mercedes-Benz E 280 Automatic W 124 (1993)
224 km/h
Mercedes-Benz S 320 Automatic W 140 (1993)
224 km/h
BMW 730i Automatic E38 (1994)
224 km/h
Volvo 850 T5-R Estate (1994)
224 km/h
Saab 900 V6 Cabriolet (1994)
224 km/h
Audi A8 2.8 (1994)
224 km/h
Mitsubishi FTO GPX (1994)
224 km/h
Lancia Kappa 3.0 (1994)
224 km/h
Opel Omega 3.0 Elite Automatic (1994)
224 km/h
Fiat Coupe 16v Turbo (1995)
224 km/h
Mercedes-Benz E 280 W 210 (1995)
224 km/h
Renault Laguna Nevada 3.0 V6 (1995)
224 km/h
Mercedes-Benz SL 280 Automatic R 129 (1995)
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