Peugeot 508 THP 156 is a 5-seat, 4-door sedan/saloon with front wheel drive (FWD). It is introduced in 2010. The automobile is 4792.00 mm long, 1456.00 mm high and 1854.00 mm wide. Moreover, this model's wheelbase is 2816.00 mm, its front track is 1580.00 mm and its rear track is 1553.00 mm. 1401 kg is this automobile's curb weight. The engine of Peugeot 508 THP 156 is turbocharged and has 4 cylinders with 4 valves per cylinder, engine displacement of 1598 cc and double overhead camshaft (DOHC). It has a transverse alignment and is situated in the front of the vehicle. It also has inline-arranged cylinders. The piston stroke length is 85.80 mm and the cylinder diameter is 77.00 mm. The engine generates maximum power of 115 kW / 157 ps at 6000 rpm and maximum torque of 239 Nm at 4250 rpm. The vehicle can accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h for 8.60 s. The automobile makes one kilometer for 29.30 s. The Peugeot 508 THP 156 has a manual 6-speed transmission. This automobile has an urban fuel consumption of 9.27 l/100 km, combined of 6.68 l/100 km and extra urban fuel consumption of 5.00 l/100 km. The fuel tank's capacity is 72.00 l. The CO2 emission rating is 154 g/km. The size/type of the front tyres is 215/60 R 16. The rear tyres are 215/60 R 16. The front brakes are equipped with ventilated disks. The rear brakes have with disks, servo assistance, anti-lock braking system (ABS).
Peugeot 508 THP 156 (2010) - maximum power - other models
The maximum power of the engine of Peugeot 508 THP 156 (2010). Data about other models by Peugeot with engines producing the same or similar maximum power.
Peugeot 504 V6 Coupe (1974)
101 kW / 138 ps
Peugeot 604 SL (1975)
101 kW / 138 ps
Peugeot 406 2.0 LX (1995)
101 kW / 138 ps
Peugeot 607 2.2 HDi (2000)
101 kW / 138 ps
Peugeot 307 2.0 XS (2001)
103 kW / 141 ps
Peugeot 308 1.6 THP Automatic (2007)
103 kW / 141 ps
Peugeot 308 CC 1.6 VTI Automatic (2008)
103 kW / 141 ps
Peugeot 308 CC 2.0 HDI FAP 140 (2008)
103 kW / 141 ps
Peugeot 407 2.0 (2008)
103 kW / 141 ps
Peugeot 407 2.0 Automatic (2008)
103 kW / 141 ps
Peugeot 407 SW 2.0 (2008)
103 kW / 141 ps
Peugeot 407 SW 2.0 Automatic (2008)
103 kW / 141 ps
Peugeot 308 2.0 HDI FAP (2010)
103 kW / 141 ps
Peugeot 508 2.0 HDI FAP 140 (2010)
103 kW / 141 ps
Peugeot 508 SW 2.0 HDI FAP 140 (2010)
103 kW / 141 ps
Peugeot 604 Ti (1975)
107 kW / 146 ps
Peugeot 504 V6 Coupe Injection (1982)
107 kW / 146 ps
Peugeot 408 2.0 (2010)
108 kW / 147 ps
Peugeot 309 GTi 1.9 16v (1992)
110 kW / 150 ps
Peugeot 207 1.6 16v Turbo (2006)
110 kW / 150 ps
Peugeot 207 CC 1.6 THP 16v (2006)
110 kW / 150 ps
Peugeot 308 1.6 THP (2007)
110 kW / 150 ps
Peugeot 308 CC 1.6 VTI (2008)
110 kW / 150 ps
Peugeot 308 SW 1.6 THP (2008)
110 kW / 150 ps
Peugeot 308 SW 1.6 THP Automatic (2008)
110 kW / 150 ps
Peugeot 505 GTi Turbo (1979)
112 kW / 153 ps
Peugeot 405 Mi-16 (1993)
113 kW / 154 ps
Peugeot 4007 (2007)
115 kW / 157 ps
Peugeot RCZ 156 THP (2009)
115 kW / 157 ps
Peugeot RCZ 156 THP Automatic (2009)
115 kW / 157 ps
Peugeot 508 SW THP 156 (2010)
115 kW / 157 ps
Peugeot 508 SW THP 156 Automatic (2010)
115 kW / 157 ps
Peugeot 508 THP 156 (2010)
115 kW / 157 ps
Peugeot 508 THP 156 Automatic (2010)
115 kW / 157 ps
Peugeot 208 1.6 THP A9 (2012)
115 kW / 157 ps
Peugeot 604 GTi (1984)
116 kW / 158 ps
Peugeot 405 MI-16 (1987)
116 kW / 158 ps
Peugeot 405 MI-16 4x4 (1989)
116 kW / 158 ps
Peugeot 407 2.2 (2003)
116 kW / 158 ps
Peugeot 407 2.2 Automatic (2003)
116 kW / 158 ps
Peugeot 407 SW 2.2 (2003)
116 kW / 158 ps
Peugeot 407 SW 2.2 Automatic (2003)
116 kW / 158 ps
Peugeot 505 Turbo Injection (1984)
119 kW / 162 ps
Peugeot 607 2.2 16V (2000)
119 kW / 162 ps
Peugeot 607 2.2 16V Automatic (2000)
119 kW / 162 ps
Peugeot 407 Coupe 2.2 (2005)
120 kW / 164 ps
Peugeot 407 Coupe 2.0 HDI (2009)
120 kW / 164 ps
Peugeot RCZ HDi 163 (2009)
120 kW / 164 ps
Peugeot 508 2.0 HDI FAP 163 (2010)
120 kW / 164 ps
Peugeot 508 SW 2.0 HDI FAP 163 (2010)
120 kW / 164 ps
Peugeot 605 SV (1989)
125 kW / 170 ps
Peugeot 306 GTi-6 (1996)
125 kW / 170 ps
Peugeot 306 Rallye (1998)
125 kW / 170 ps
Peugeot 407 2.2 HDi (2007)
125 kW / 170 ps
Peugeot 407 SW 2.2 HDi (2007)
125 kW / 170 ps
Peugeot 505 V6 (1986)
127 kW / 173 ps
Peugeot RC Diamonds (2002)
128 kW / 174 ps
Peugeot 207 RC (2007)
128 kW / 174 ps
Peugeot 508 THP 156 (2010) - maximum power - other brands' models
The maximum power of the engine of Peugeot 508 THP 156 (2010). Data about models by other automobile brands with engines producing the same or similar maximum power.
Mercedes-Benz 280 C Automatic C 123 (1976)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz 280 S W 116 (1976)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz 280 S Automatic W 116 (1976)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz 280 W 123 (1979)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz 280 C C 123 (1979)
115 kW / 157 ps
Alfa Romeo 90 Gold Cloverleaf (1985)
115 kW / 157 ps
Ford Sierra XR-6 (1986)
115 kW / 157 ps
Toyota MR2 GT SW20 (1990)
115 kW / 157 ps
Rover Land Rover Discovery 3.5i (1992)
115 kW / 157 ps
Fiat Marea 155 20v (1998)
115 kW / 157 ps
Fiat Marea Weekend 155 20v (1998)
115 kW / 157 ps
Saab 9-3 2.0t (1999)
115 kW / 157 ps
Saab 9-3 2.0t Automatic (1999)
115 kW / 157 ps
Toyota Corolla RXi (1999)
115 kW / 157 ps
Lancia Lybra 2.0 16v (1999)
115 kW / 157 ps
Lancia Lybra 2.0 16v Comfortronic (1999)
115 kW / 157 ps
Seat Ibiza Cupra (2000)
115 kW / 157 ps
Daewoo Magnus L6 2.5 (2002)
115 kW / 157 ps
Honda Edix 20X (2004)
115 kW / 157 ps
Honda Edix 20X 4WD (2004)
115 kW / 157 ps
Dodge Caliber 2.0 SXT (2006)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz G 270 CDI G 463 (2006)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz G 270 CDI LWB G 463 (2006)
115 kW / 157 ps
Dodge Avenger 2.0 (2007)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz C 180 Kompressor W 204 (2007)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz C 180 Kompressor Automatic W 204 (2007)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz C 180 Kompressor Estate S 204 (2007)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz C 180 Kompressor Estate Automatic S 204 (2007)
115 kW / 157 ps
Citroën C-Crosser (2007)
115 kW / 157 ps
Chevrolet Epica 2.5 (2007)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mitsubishi Outlander 2.2 DI-D (2007)
115 kW / 157 ps
Honda Accord 2.0 (2008)
115 kW / 157 ps
Honda Accord 2.0 Automatic (2008)
115 kW / 157 ps
Honda Accord Tourer 2.0 (2008)
115 kW / 157 ps
Honda Accord Tourer 2.0 Automatic (2008)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz C 180 Kompressor BlueEFFICIENCY W 204 (2008)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz C 180 Kompressor BlueEFFICIENCY Automatic W 204 (2008)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz C 180 Kompressor Estate BlueEFFICIENCY S 204 (2008)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz C 180 Kompressor Estate BlueEFFICIENCY Automatic S 204 (2008)
115 kW / 157 ps
Citroën DS3 THP 150 (2009)
115 kW / 157 ps
Peugeot 508 THP 156 (2010)
115 kW / 157 ps
Abarth OT 1600 Berlina (1964)
115 kW / 157 ps
Muntz Jet (1951)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz C 180 CGI BlueEFFICIENCY Estate S 204 (2009)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz C 180 CGI BlueEFFICIENCY W 204 (2009)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz C 180 CGI BlueEFFICIENCY Estate Automatic S 204 (2009)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz C 180 CGI BlueEFFICIENCY Automatic W 204 (2009)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz C 180 BlueEFFICIENCY Estate S 204 (2011)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz C 180 BlueEFFICIENCY Automatic W 204 (2011)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz C 180 BlueEFFICIENCY Estate Automatic S 204 (2011)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz C 180 Kompressor BlueEFFICIENCY Estate Automatic S 204 (2011)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz C 180 Kompressor BlueEFFICIENCY Estate S 204 (2011)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz C 180 BlueEFFICIENCY W 204 (2011)
115 kW / 157 ps
Citroën C5 THP 155 (2011)
115 kW / 157 ps
Citroën C5 THP 155 Automatic (2011)
115 kW / 157 ps
Citroën C5 Tourer THP 155 (2011)
115 kW / 157 ps
Citroën C5 Tourer THP 155 Automatic (2011)
115 kW / 157 ps
Citroën DS4 THP 155 (2010)
115 kW / 157 ps
Citroën DS5 THP 155 (2011)
115 kW / 157 ps
Kia Cerato Hatch 2.0 (2011)
115 kW / 157 ps
Kia Cerato Hatch 2.0 Automatic (2011)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz A 200 BlueEFFICIENCY W 176 (2012)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz A 200 BlueEFFICIENCY Automatic W 176 (2012)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz B 200 BlueEFFICIENCY W 246 (2011)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz C 180 BlueEFFICIENCY Coupe C 204 (2011)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz C 180 BlueEFFICIENCY Coupe Automatic C 204 (2011)
115 kW / 157 ps
Mercedes-Benz CLA 200 C 117 (2013)
115 kW / 157 ps
Toyota Previa 2.4 VVTi (2002)
115 kW / 157 ps is not responsible for the accuracy of the information it publishes - technical data, characteristics, specifications, indicators, etc. All manufacturers' logos, marques, and all other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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