Honda Civic 23U is a front wheel drive (FWD), 3-door hatchback with 5 seats. It is initiated in 1983. The automobile's measurements are as follows: width - 1630.00 mm, height - 1341.00 mm, length - 3809.00 mm. In addition, the length of the wheelbase of this model is 2380.00 mm, its front track is 1401.00 mm and its rear track is 1416.00 mm. The ground clearance is 160.00 mm. The curb weight of the automobile is 741 kg. Honda Civic 23U has a naturally-aspirated engine with 4 cylinders with 3 valves per cylinder, engine displacement of 1342 cc and single overhead camshaft (SOHC). It is placed in the front of the vehicle and its alignment is transverse. The cylinders are inline-arranged. The cylinder diameter is 74.00 mm and the piston stroke length is 78.00 mm. The pistons compression ratio is 10.00:1. The maximum torque and maximum power generated by the engine are 110 Nm at 3500 rpm and 59 kW / 81 ps at 6000 rpm respectively. This model has a 0.35 drag coefficient, its drag area is 0.6300 m2 and the frontal area is 1.8000 m2. The Honda Civic 23U has a 4-speed manual transmission. The volume of the fuel tank is 45.00 l. The vehicle's steering system is rack and pinion type. This automobile has a turning circle of 9.80 m. The size/type of the front tyres is 6.15-13-4PR. The type/size of the rear tyres is 6.15-13-4PR. The front brakes are equipped with disks. The rear brakes are fitted with drums, servo assistance.
Honda Civic 23U E-AG (1983) - maximum power - other models
The maximum power of the engine of Honda Civic 23U E-AG (1983). Data about other models by Honda with engines producing the same or similar maximum power.
Honda Ballade Automatic (1980)
53 kW / 72 ps
Honda Ballade FE (1980)
53 kW / 72 ps
Honda Civic (1992)
55 kW / 75 ps
Honda Civic Aerodeck 1.4i (1998)
55 kW / 75 ps
Honda Civic GTL-II (1979)
56 kW / 76 ps
Honda Civic GTL-II Automatic (1979)
56 kW / 76 ps
Honda Civic RSL (1979)
56 kW / 76 ps
Honda City E-GA1 (1986)
56 kW / 76 ps
Honda City Automatic E-GA1 (1986)
56 kW / 76 ps
Honda Jazz 1.2 (2004)
57 kW / 78 ps
Honda 1300 Coupe 7 Custom Automatic (1970)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda 1300 Coupe 7 De Luxe Automatic (1970)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda 145 (1972)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda 145 Coupe (1972)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda 145 Custom (1972)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda Accord (1977)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda Ballade FL (1980)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda Ballade FT (1980)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda Ballade FT Automatic (1980)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda Civic Country (1980)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda Civic Country Hondamatic (1980)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda Ballade CR-B E-AJ (1983)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda Ballade CR-B Automatic E-AJ (1983)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda Ballade CR-L E-AJ (1983)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda Ballade CR-L Automatic E-AJ (1983)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda Ballade CR-U E-AJ (1983)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda Ballade CR-U Automatic E-AJ (1983)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda Ballade Sports CR-X 1.3 E-AE (1983)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda Ballade Sports CR-X 1.3 Automatic E-AE (1983)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda Civic 23E E-AG (1983)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda Civic 23L Automatic E-AG (1983)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda Civic 23U E-AG (1983)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda Civic 33L E-AJ (1983)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda Civic 33L Automatic E-AJ (1983)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda Civic 33U E-AJ (1983)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda Civic Shuttle 53U E-AJ (1983)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda 1300 Sedan 77 Automatic (1969)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda Prelude 1600 (1979)
60 kW / 82 ps
Honda Jazz 1.4 (2004)
61 kW / 83 ps
Honda Jazz 1.4 CVT (2004)
61 kW / 83 ps
Honda Civic 1.3 (2005)
61 kW / 83 ps
Honda Ballade FXT (1980)
63 kW / 86 ps
Honda Integra 1.5 (1986)
63 kW / 86 ps
Honda Fit A (2001)
63 kW / 86 ps
Honda Fit W (2001)
63 kW / 86 ps
Honda Brio (2011)
65 kW / 89 ps
Honda Fit Shuttle Hybrid-C (2012)
65 kW / 89 ps
Honda Civic 23U E-AG (1983) - maximum power - other brands' models
The maximum power of the engine of Honda Civic 23U E-AG (1983). Data about models by other automobile brands with engines producing the same or similar maximum power.
Chrysler 160 (1972)
59 kW / 81 ps
Chrysler 160 Automatic (1972)
59 kW / 81 ps
Vauxhall Victor SL Super Saloon (1972)
59 kW / 81 ps
Hillman Hunter GT (1974)
59 kW / 81 ps
Peugeot 504 (1975)
59 kW / 81 ps
Mercedes-Benz 300 D W 123 (1978)
59 kW / 81 ps
Lancia Scorpion (1977)
59 kW / 81 ps
Renault 18 TS (1978)
59 kW / 81 ps
Renault 18 TS 5-Speed (1978)
59 kW / 81 ps
Renault 18 TS Break (1978)
59 kW / 81 ps
Renault 18 TS Break 5-Speed (1978)
59 kW / 81 ps
Volkswagen Passat LSE (1979)
59 kW / 81 ps
Alfa Romeo Alfasud 1.3 (1980)
59 kW / 81 ps
Ford Escort 1.6 GL (1980)
59 kW / 81 ps
Ford Escort 1.6 GL Estate (1980)
59 kW / 81 ps
Talbot Tagora DT (1982)
59 kW / 81 ps
Alfa Romeo 33 1.4 (1983)
59 kW / 81 ps
Honda Civic 23U E-AG (1983)
59 kW / 81 ps
Ford Orion 1.6 (1983)
59 kW / 81 ps
Ford Sierra 1.6 GL (1985)
59 kW / 81 ps
VAZ Lada Niva 1.7i (1995)
59 kW / 81 ps
VAZ Lada Niva 1.7i LWB (1995)
59 kW / 81 ps
VAZ Lada Niva 1.8 LWB (1995)
59 kW / 81 ps
VAZ 2120 (1998)
59 kW / 81 ps
Fiat Punto 1.2 16v ELX (1999)
59 kW / 81 ps
Fiat Punto 1.2 16v ELX 5-door (1999)
59 kW / 81 ps
Fiat Punto 1.2 16v ELX Speedgear (1999)
59 kW / 81 ps
Fiat Punto 1.2 16v ELX Speedgear 5-door (1999)
59 kW / 81 ps
Fiat Punto Sporting (1999)
59 kW / 81 ps
Fiat Stilo 1.2 16v Active (2001)
59 kW / 81 ps
Fiat Stilo 1.9 JTD Active (2001)
59 kW / 81 ps
Mazda 2 1.4 (2002)
59 kW / 81 ps
Mazda 2 1.4 Automatic (2002)
59 kW / 81 ps
Fiat Stilo Multi Wagon 1.9 JTD (2002)
59 kW / 81 ps
Renault Clio II 1.5 dCi Generation 2004 (2003)
59 kW / 81 ps
Nissan Micra 1.2 Automatic K12 (2003)
59 kW / 81 ps
Fiat Punto Fire 1.2 16v (2003)
59 kW / 81 ps
Opel Astra Caravan 1.7 CDTi (2004)
59 kW / 81 ps
Ford Focus 1.4 16v (2004)
59 kW / 81 ps
Ford Focus Estate 1.4 16v (2004)
59 kW / 81 ps
Ford Focus Saloon 1.4i (2004)
59 kW / 81 ps
Skoda Fabia 1.4 TDI-PD (2005)
59 kW / 81 ps
Skoda Fabia Combi 1.4 TDI-PD (2005)
59 kW / 81 ps
Skoda Fabia Sedan 1.4 TDI-PD (2005)
59 kW / 81 ps
Nissan Micra 1.2 K12 (2005)
59 kW / 81 ps
Renault Clio II Symbol 1.5 dCi (2006)
59 kW / 81 ps
Opel Corsa 1.2 Twinport (2006)
59 kW / 81 ps
Opel Corsa 1.2 Twinport Easytronic (2006)
59 kW / 81 ps
Volkswagen Polo 1.4 16v (2006)
59 kW / 81 ps
Volkswagen Polo 1.4 TDI (2006)
59 kW / 81 ps
Volkswagen Polo BlueMotion (2006)
59 kW / 81 ps
Skoda Roomster 1.4 TDI (2006)
59 kW / 81 ps
Renault Clio Sport Tourer 1.2 16v (2007)
59 kW / 81 ps
Skoda Fabia 1.4 TDI DPF (2007)
59 kW / 81 ps
Skoda Fabia 1.4 TDI PD (2007)
59 kW / 81 ps
Skoda Fabia Combi 1.4 TDI DPF (2007)
59 kW / 81 ps
Skoda Fabia Combi 1.4 TDI PD (2007)
59 kW / 81 ps
Ford Focus 1.4i (2007)
59 kW / 81 ps
Ford Focus 1.4i Saloon (2007)
59 kW / 81 ps
Ford Focus 1.4i Wagon (2007)
59 kW / 81 ps
Renault Grand Modus 1.2 16v (2007)
59 kW / 81 ps
Seat Ibiza 1.4 TDI (2007)
59 kW / 81 ps
Seat Ibiza Ecomotive (2007)
59 kW / 81 ps
Renault Modus 1.2 16v (2007)
59 kW / 81 ps
Volkswagen Golf 1.4 (2008)
59 kW / 81 ps is not responsible for the accuracy of the information it publishes - technical data, characteristics, specifications, indicators, etc. All manufacturers' logos, marques, and all other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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