Peugeot 405 T 16 is a 5-seat sedan/saloon with all wheel drive (AWD) and 4 doors. This model has been presented in 1993. The automobile's measurements are as follows: length - 4406.00 mm, width - 1714.00 mm, height - 1390.00 mm. Moreover, this model's wheelbase is 2670.00 mm, its rear and front track are 1458.00 mm and 1462.00 mm respectively. 1341 kg is the curb weight of this automobile. Peugeot 405 T 16 has a turbocharged, 1998 cc engine with 4 cylinders with 4 valves per cylinder and double overhead camshaft (DOHC). It is located in the front of the vehicle and has a transverse alignment. The cylinders inside are inline-arranged. The diameter of the cylinders is 86.00 mm and the length of the piston stroke is 86.00 mm. The pistons compression ratio is 8.00:1. The maximum power and maximum torque delivered by the engine are 147 kW / 200 ps at 5000 rpm and 293 Nm at 2600 rpm respectively. The fuel system of this model is injection. The oiling system of the engine is wet sump. The vehicle accelerates for 7.40 s from 0 to 100 km/h. For 27.80 s the automobile can make one kilometer and for 14.90 s - a quarter mile. This model has a 0.33 drag coefficient, its drag area is 0.6666 m2 and the frontal area is 2.0200 m2. The Peugeot 405 T 16 has a manual 5-speed transmission. 0.77:1 is the top gear ratio. 2.87:1 is its final drive ratio. The extra urban fuel consumption of this automobile is 9.04 l/100 km, the urban fuel consumption is 7.25 l/100 km and the combined is 11.75 l/100 km . The fuel tank's capacity is 70.00 l. The steering assembly of the vehicle is power assisted rack and pinion type. The number of complete rotations made by the steering wheel from one extreme position to another is 3.05. The rear suspension includes anti-roll bar, independent, trailing arm, torsion bar and the front suspension - anti-roll bar, independent, MacPherson strut. This automobile's turning circle is 11.40 m. The front wheels size is 6.5J x 16. The rear wheels size is 6.5J x 16. The type/size of tyres in the front is 205/50 ZR 16. The type/size of tyres in the rear is 205/50 ZR 16. The front brakes are set up with ventilated disks. The rear brakes are set up with disks, servo assistance, anti-lock braking system (ABS). The diameter of the front brakes is 283.00 mm and the diameter of the rear brakes is 250.00 mm.
Peugeot 405 T 16 (1993) - extra urban fuel consumption - other models
Extra urban fuel consumption of Peugeot 405 T 16 (1993). Data about other models by Peugeot with similar values of fuel consumption in extra urban areas. The values quoted in the chart indicate how many liters of fuel (diesel, gasoline, etc.) a specific model by Peugeot consumes when covering 100 kilometers in extra urban areas at a speed from 80 to 120 kilometers per hour.
Peugeot 308 1.6 THP Automatic (2007) | 6.01 l |
Peugeot 308 SW 1.6 THP Automatic (2008) | 6.12 l |
Peugeot 407 SW 1.8 (2008) | 6.12 l |
Peugeot 406 1.8 SR Break (2001) | 6.23 l |
Peugeot 307cc 2.0 (2003) | 6.23 l |
Peugeot 407 2.0 Automatic (2008) | 6.34 l |
Peugeot 307cc 2.0 Automatic (2003) | 6.35 l |
Peugeot 407 2.0 (2003) | 6.35 l |
Peugeot 407 SW 2.0 (2003) | 6.46 l |
Peugeot 407 Coupe 2.7 (2005) | 6.46 l |
Peugeot 407 2.7 V6 HDi (2007) | 6.46 l |
Peugeot 407 SW 2.7 V6 HDi (2007) | 6.46 l |
Peugeot 407 SW 2.0 Automatic (2008) | 6.46 l |
Peugeot 406 2.0 ST Break (2001) | 6.57 l |
Peugeot 607 V6 HDi (2004) | 6.57 l |
Peugeot 407 Coupe 2.2 (2005) | 6.57 l |
Peugeot 206 RC (2003) | 6.68 l |
Peugeot 307cc 2.0 180 (2003) | 6.79 l |
Peugeot 407 2.2 (2003) | 6.79 l |
Peugeot 407 SW 2.2 (2003) | 6.79 l |
Peugeot 407 3.0 V6 (2008) | 6.79 l |
Peugeot 407 2.2 Automatic (2008) | 6.90 l |
Peugeot 407 3.0 (2003) | 7.02 l |
Peugeot 407 SW 2.2 Automatic (2003) | 7.02 l |
Peugeot 407 SW 3.0 (2003) | 7.13 l |
Peugeot 407 SW 3.0 V6 (2008) | 7.13 l |
Peugeot 407 Coupe V6 (2005) | 7.25 l |
Peugeot 407 Coupe V6 Automatic (2005) | 7.25 l |
Peugeot 405 1.4 GL (1993) | 7.36 l |
Peugeot 607 3.0 V6 24v (2008) | 7.47 l |
Peugeot 309 GTi 1.9 (1987) | 7.80 l |
Peugeot 405 T 16 (1993) | 9.04 l |
Peugeot 405 T 16 (1993) - extra urban fuel consumption - other brands' models
Extra urban fuel consumption of Peugeot 405 T 16 (1993) and information about models by other automobile brands with values of fuel consumption in extra urban areas equal or similar to those of Peugeot 405 T 16 (1993). The values quoted in the chart indicate how many liters of fuel (diesel, gasoline, etc.) a specific automobile consumes when covering 100 kilometers in extra urban areas at a speed from 80 to 120 kilometers per hour.
Porsche 911 GT2 997 (2007) | 8.92 l |
Porsche 944 Coupe Automatic (1988) | 9.04 l |
Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.5-16 Evolution W 201 (1989) | 9.04 l |
Citroën CX 20 RE (1989) | 9.04 l |
Renault Alpine V6 Le Mans (1990) | 9.04 l |
Volkswagen Passat GT G60 Syncro (1990) | 9.04 l |
BMW 525ix 24v Touring E34 (1991) | 9.04 l |
Subaru Alcyone SVX Version E (1991) | 9.04 l |
Subaru Alcyone SVX Version L (1991) | 9.04 l |
Subaru SVX (1992) | 9.04 l |
Peugeot 405 T 16 (1993) | 9.04 l |
Mercedes-Benz E 320 W 210 (1995) | 9.04 l |
BMW 840Ci E31 (1996) | 9.04 l |
Audi A8 3.7 quattro (1996) | 9.04 l |
Opel Omega Caravan 3.2 V6 Automatic (2000) | 9.04 l |
Volkswagen Citi Golf Chico 1.6 (2001) | 9.04 l |
BMW 540i Touring E39 (2002) | 9.04 l |
Jaguar XJR X350 (2002) | 9.04 l |
Porsche 911 GT3 RS 996 (2003) | 9.04 l |
BMW X3 2.5i Automatic E83 (2003) | 9.04 l |
Jaguar Super V8 (2004) | 9.04 l |
Volkswagen Phaeton V6 4MOTION (2005) | 9.04 l |
Volkswagen Phaeton V6 4MOTION LWB (2005) | 9.04 l |
Porsche 911 GT3 997 (2006) | 9.04 l |
Mitsubishi Pajero 3.2 DI-D Automatic (2006) | 9.04 l |
Land Rover Range Rover Sport TDV8 (2006) | 9.04 l |
Dodge Nitro 3.7 (2007) | 9.04 l |
Subaru Tribeca (2007) | 9.04 l |
Audi A8 L W12 quattro (2010) | 9.04 l |
Wiesmann Roadster MF4-S Automatic (2010) | 9.04 l |
Wiesmann GT MF4-S Automatic (2010) | 9.04 l |
Audi A6 3.7 quattro C5 (1998) | 9.04 l |
Audi A6 Avant 2.8 C4 (1995) | 9.04 l |
BMW 325i Cabriolet E30 (1986) | 9.04 l |
Mazda 929 Coupe 2.0 (1982) | 9.04 l |
Mazda 626 Coupe 2.0 Automatic (1983) | 9.05 l | is not responsible for the accuracy of the information it publishes - technical data, characteristics, specifications, indicators, etc. All manufacturers' logos, marques, and all other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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